Friday, 26 June 2015

Fleamarket at Macam Macam

I had always wanted to try selling in a flea market, and finally i took the step.

Searching online for quite sometimes on a cheap location, and well, i'm lucky to go for Macam Macam Flea market at IMH (institution of Metal Health).
It simply cost $10 for a stall and i was lucky to get it before it was taken up fully.

Well as a newbie, i'm not too sure what to sell, but my main aim is to clear all my unwanted stuff and balance stock that i had left over from my blog shop previously. So i think should not be that hard to get back my $10 rental right.

Before the day arrive, i'm rather excited and try to see how i should place my items and setup to be nice appealing to attract people to my stall.

So well that is how my stall look like:
Trying to arrange it at Home

On the actual day of event

Isn't that lovely and sweet? Overall, it was quite lucky that quite a number of people bought from me at this quiet neighborhood.

But the weather was rather hot, and lucky we were well prepare with cold icy water.

So if you are a newbie and wanted to try out fleamarket, i would say try Macam Macam. Overall is the experience that make the whole thing fun.