Saturday, 11 August 2012

Tutorial : Making a Simple Dangling Earrings

Well it had been sometimes that I did not make any tutorial.
So 2 days ago I make one simple one on how to make a dangling earrings.

It is also the first time I try making it over a camera.
Kind of tough as i need to view through the camera and work.

But well, I still make it finally.

Below is the video that I had made.


Monday, 6 August 2012

DIY Jewellery

Wondering what am I busy at??

Well this few days have been viewing YouTube and surfing net to get inspire of simple jewellery I can do it.

So here come my first trial of making a pinkish bracelet with my limited variety of beads I have.

And to match the bracelet, I came out with a simple ring.

Does it look sweet?

Hopefully my sister Shyling will like my DIY as her birthday gift.